
In my video works use the text of ME from the book of Jean-Paul Sartre’s [La Nausée] that put into the oil.
But you can find the other words in ME. It is appeared to “ME is not just ME" when penetration to oil.
the ME get equalization to other things. In this case, ME is lost individuality., those become equal in my works. Everything becomes an object.

single channel video: FullHD(1920*1080) | act : oil penetrate to me (punched text) | 9:36 seconds | silent

context & image

  • La Nausée by Jean-Paul Sartre (1938)

    Panched "me"

    Extract text"ME" from book [La Nausée].
    Those forms get refract by mounted crystal glass,
    make a lot of "ME".